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This Page Mostly Dedicated To Aragorn
(I added a little bit of Legolas and Ring Wraiths too...sssh!)


~ Aragorn ~


Aragorn: Closeup 800

Aragorn: Closeup and Green Effect 800

Aragorn: Collage 1024

Aragorn: Draws Sword 800

Aragorn: Elessar 800

Aragorn: Official 1024

Aragorn: Rohan Refugees 800








  Accepting pictures at all times....naughty or nice. lol. as long as aragorn's in them-it's all good!

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will." -Aragorn
"Nin o Chithaenglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulaer! Nin o Chithaenglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulaer!" -Arwen Click here


Face the facts people, I am practically in love with Aragorn! He's so...*drool* need I say more?! I know I know, he's at least like, five time's my age ... but so what?! It's like Mrs. Benson and her crush over Legolas. I mean, we don't really like the actual guy, the character in LOTR, how cool he looks...c'mon, everyone goes through the stage when they fall for a celeb! So - here's mine!

This site contains tons of pictures! I put them into little scroll-bars. This way you can easily scroll through them, and the page doesn't go on forever and ever and ever get my point. Enjoy these pictures! If you are the owner of one of these pictures and don't wish your picture to be on here, first let me know if I can get Aragorns' address as you must have taken them, and then no problem-o. ^_^ Hehe.
If Aragorn ever sees this site, hope you like it. Send me something better if you want. Like, have one of your staff dude email it, then I won't know your personal address. LOL. ^_^ THE Aragorn would see this page? Well, hey, it's worth saying it just incase!!!

~ Legolas ~

Legolas: Fires his Bow 800

Legolas: In Green 852?

Legolas: Official 1024

Legolas: Official Collage 1024

I had like about 10,000 pictures but then they all died and said that the picture couldn't load. I have to re-do them all. I'll explode if that happens to my Aragorn pictures! Okay, it will NOT happen! ^_^ I'm working on getting more Legolas pictures. It might take some time though. Peace out, +§ara+




~ Arwen ~






~ Group Shots ~
Misc: Main Cast Collage 800

Misc: The Main Characters 1024

~ Group Shots ~
Misc: Main Cast Collage 800

Aliases - Elfstone, Strider, Longshanks, Wingfoot, Elessar, Thorongil, Estel, Telcontar, The Dunedan, The Renewer, Isildur's Heir
Date of Birth - TA 2931
Race - Man of Gondor, of Isildur's Line
Height - Tall

Alignment - Good
Parents - Arathorn, Gilraen

Spouse - (used to be Arwen Evenstar) currently - Sara (ME) haha
Date of Marriage TA 3019

Children - Eldarion, and several daughters

Physical description - Ruddy good looks, with a noble appearance. Long black hair, flecked with gray. Described as being quite tall.

Biography - He led the Fellowship after Gandalf's fall into Moria as far as Parth Galen. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas then turned toward Isengard in pursuit of the band of orcs that had captured Merry and Pippin. After meeting up with Gandalf again, seeing the destruction of Isengard, and finding Merry and Pippin safe, Aragorn then made for the Paths of the Dead because of what he saw in the Palantir. Once he emerged from the Paths of the Dead, he arrived in Gondor with a large army of men, and turned the tide of the battle of the Pellennor Fields. Soon after, He was Captain of the Army of the West, which rode forth to challenge Sauron. After the War of the Ring, Aragorn was crowned king of the reunited kingdom, and wed Arwen Evenstar. During his reign, he restored peace to the land, and extended its borders. Aragorn met and instantly fell in love with Arwen when he was twenty years old, but Elrond would not permit a wedding until he had reclaimed his throne.

Viggo Mortensen

Full Name - Viggo Mortensen
Birthdate - Oct 20, 1958
Birthplace - Manhattan, New York USA
Hair Color - Brown
Eye Color - Green
Height - unknown
Spouse - None (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there's a chance for me!)
Children - Henry

Biography - Born in New York to a Danish father and an American mother, Mortensen spent the early part of his childhood in Manhattan. His family traveled a great deal and he spent several years living in Venezuela, Argentina, and Denmark. He began acting in New York, studying with Warren Robertson. He appeared in several plays and movies, and eventually moved to Los Angeles, where his performance in Bent at the Coast Playhouse earned him a Drama-logue Critic's Award. Mortensen is also an accomplished poet, photographer, and painter.

O: from anron: I desire (anra - on)
mr: darkness Undmiel: Evenstar (undm - l)
henion: I understand tiro: look
i: the e: out
dhu: the night eria: rises
ely: dreams lr: the song
siriar: flow en: of the
l: star luitha: enchants
sla: shines white uren: my heart
ai: ah


What's almost as cool as Aragorn?
~ Ring Wraiths ~

Nazgul: Official The Ford 1024

Nazgul: Nine King's of Men 800

Nazgul: Close Up 800

The movie would have been so cool if the ring dude found them and like made this huge bloody mess of them right here ^_^

It might take a minute for you to see it, but the guys are hiding under the tree stump, and the wraith is looking for them. You'd think he'd see them when he's practically looking right AT them...but ok!

Nazgul: In Space? 1024


~ Gimli ~

Gimli:Official 1024




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