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Here's a few little cheat codes to make your website more enjoyable.

As you all know, I spend way too much time online. So I obviously learn something everytime I go online. That's a lot of learning. LoL. So anyway, if I come across something good/usefull I'll let you know and I'll show you on this. Hope this makes your online experience more fun!




I recently put up some new music files. To put in a music file, please see below for the codes!


1. You (obviously) need to have the http://blahblahblah.blah.blah.mid to use.

2. Click "edit html" or however your website editor allows you to edit the html of your site.

3. Type in (or copy and paste:)


<embed src="FILE NAME HERE.mid" width=144 height=60 autostart="true" loop="1" hidden="true">

4. Save your site, and tada! It should work. If not, email me (click here)!

Extra Hints:

1. If you want the music to play more than one time, change the 1 in the code to any number you want!

2. If you change HIDDEN="TRUE" to HIDDEN="FALSE", a little consol (aka play, stop, pause, thingy) will appear! Now if someone goes to your site, they can make the music stop and go when they want! Cool, huh?


If you want your visitors to be able to click on a link and make the music play...


1. Have a file name

2. Edit the html

3. Paste in:


4. Save your site and TADA! Cool, huh?

~~ Rainbow Links ~~
Do you want your links to sparkle all nice and rainbow-y like mine? If so, follow these simple directions.
((They're rainbow when you put your mouse on them))
1. Highlight

<DIV><style type="text/css">

a:hover{color:black;background:pink url(}


2. Once highlighted, on your keyboard hold down "ctrl" and "c" at the same time. Don't hit them, hold them down.
3. After about two seconds of holding the "ctrl" and "c" button, editt eh html of your site.
4. Then hold down "ctrl" and "v" onto a part of your site.
5. Finish and save.
6. All the links on that page should be rainbow-y! :)
*Repeat steps four and five on all other pages you want rainbow-y!*

Make your site cooler than your friends! I dare you to make it cooler than mine! lol

Cheat codes!!