Friends 'n More
Friend's Names


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List of people that I'm pals with!  If you're not on here, and you're my friend, let me know asap!  I wanna make sure EVERYONE is on here!

I have finally put this long list in alphabetical order! This is a long list of frinds, family, and teachers. More and more will be added shortly! These lists are in alphabetical order by first names. Hope you enjoy! If your name is not up here, email me and I'll put it up!
As for the picture on the side, that's supposed to be a baby hedgehog. CUTE!

I'm frantically trying to contact all of my friends. Some of them are old camp friends, and they may have changed their screen names since I last knew them, new email addresses, different phone numbers, etc. It's a pain, but I'm still trying to contact them all! Once I contact them, their name will be on here!

This is a baby porkiepine! Awwwwww! Hey, IIII think it's cute!!

Abby D.

Adri H.

Albert F.

Alex ?.

Alexis W.

Aly P.

Alysa B.

Amy B.

Angie P.

Anna B.

Anthony M.

Arianna Z.

Ashlee ?.

Ashley M.

Ava S.

Beth H.

Bethany S.

Blair W.

Brian ?.

Brian C.

Charlie K.

Chris L.

Chris W.

Christina M.

Christina T.

Ciara P.

Clay S.

Courtney D.

Damir A.

Dana B.

David H.

Dustin A.


Eileen D.

Eleanor S.

Emiliee or something (mottaz cousin)

Emily ?.

Emily F.


Erik H.

Esther H.

Grant R.

Greta N.

Jamie H.

Janet L.



Jen D.

Jen G.

Jen F.

Jenna ?.

Jeremy M.

Jessica Z. (Jessie!)

Joe N.

Johnathan B.

Josh B.

Josh B.

Josh W.

Jordyn D.

Jovana N.

Julie ?.

Karina F.

Katherine B.

Katie C.

Kim L.

Kristen B.

Lady Beth (dont ask its a nickname)

Leigh N.

Liz A.

Liz B.

Lyzz ?.

Madeline R.

Madeline W.

Marina DM.

Matt D.

Meggan H.

Melissa H.

Meredith D.

Michael J.

Michelle B.

Michelle Z.

Nadine B.

Natalie ?.

Nate G.

Nicole M.

Noah S.

Noah ?

Norma L.

Parishe M.

Peter D-Y.

Rachael N.

Rachel C.

Rachel C.

Rachel C.

Rachel C.

Rachel C.

Rachel H.

Rae N.

Sam M.

Sandra G.

Sandy D.

Santiago O.

Sara M.

Sara N.

Sara N.

Sara O.

Sean G.


Steve H.

Taylor B.

Tati A.

Tati M.

Tiara L.

Torey S.

Tracy L

Turia P.

Tyler T.

Vanessa ?.

Virginia B-R.

Zach P.

Zak J.

Zach L.

Yes, I do know about five or six Rachel C's with different last names that happen to begin with a C. It's crazy!

Family  ^_^
Bob B. (Uncle)
Chris B. (Tante)
Erin M. (Cousin)
Goohoo (Tante)
GoungGoung (Uncle)
Heider M. (Tante)
Jason B. (Cousin)
Jenni W/P. (Tante)
Jim P. (Uncle)
Justin B. (Cousin)
Laura M. (Cousin)
Leah O. (Cousin)
Leo M. (Uncle)
Peter W. (Uncle)
RoseAnne O. (Cousin)
Ryder O. (Cousin)
Susan O. (Tante)

Teachers (alphabatized by last name)
Mrs. Adler/Skiist
Mrs. Baggio
Mrs. Benson
Mr. Berg
Mr. Bergman
Ms. Brody
Mr. Brooks
Ms. Copithorne
Mrs. Credo
Ms. Cunningham
Mrs. Dobbs
Mr. Donhost
Mrs. Duffy
Mrs. Feldheim
Ms. Finkelstein
Ms. Fiore
Ms. Fortson
Mrs. Greenwald
Ms. Jaffe
Ms. Kusy-Leavitt
Ms. Lazar
Mrs. Levi
Mr. Lubelfeld
Ms. Lucker
Mr. Million
Ms. Miller
Mrs. Nekritz
Mrs. Neumann
Mrs. Norvich
Mr. Paulsen
Mrs. Rappoport
Ms. Rosenbloom
Mr. Sedik
Mrs. Scanlan
Mrs. Scheff
Ms. Schlosberg
Mr. Shaw
Mr. Shilkus
Ms. Skomurski
Mr. Smith
Mrs. Weaver
Mrs. Wieden
Mrs. White
Mr. Whitehead
Mr. Zavagno
Mrs. Zimmerman
Mrs. Zimring

Ek People & Stuff:
Sandwa G.
Twacy N.
So tired. More later.