
About Me | Inside Jokes | Friend's Names | Lyricx | Linkx | Camp | Pictures | Site Directory | Help | How To Build Your Own | For the Adults | Special Thanks
Friends 'n More
Site Directory

Where Almost Everything Can Make Sence

Hi! As you all know, my name is Sara. There's a lot of hard work and well..."stuff" on this site. If you're looking for something specific (or just want an overview on the site) this is the perfect place to be. Please remember that there's so much stuff on this site, it'd be impossible to name everything without re-creating a new website entirely!

If later you finish going through this website and you still haven't found what you need, feel free to (click here) email me and ask me your question or tell me your comments!

Okay! Lets get started!
*Pictures - Pictures are on practically every page*
*Text - There's plenty of text on each page*
** Directory **
Home Page : Introduction to the site, updates list, fun fact, password secured gate to poetry etc.
About Me : My favorites, what I hate, a few paragraphs on me and my life (sort of like updates on my life and school), 10 things that ponder in my mind, link to "quotes and more" a fun page that contains jokes and quotes and hilarious pictures!
Who I Am : A page about my disability - it's harder than you think.
Inside Jokes : Some of the very many inside jokes I have with people. Very colorful. Random facts under all inside jokes.
Friends Names : A list of people I know (not all of them) in alphabetical order of first names. Last initial there if I know it or if the person allowed me to put it up there. Tell me if your name isn't up there!
Lyrics : A few lyrics so songs that I love. Some are dedicated to people. Not many up there quite yet.
Links : Links to many pages in the internet - the ones that I love to death! I'm always adding new ones and deleting the ones that get old. Guest book entry gate (free for everyone to see!), forum gate (click to understand), send a free ecard greeting through my site, and a link to a few other pages on my site that aren't on the navigation bar.
Pictures : A page where plenty of pictures that I found on the net are. Beautiful pictures. None of me unfortunately (fortunately for me). Two pictures of a friend. Three famous quotes by famous people, American Pride pictures, flags (see them, they're neat). A wonderful introduction to what kind of pictures I find facinating.
Francaise : A page entirely in French!
How Does it Work? : A little "how to" on how to get around on my site, very simple for the simple minded. Link to my guest map (like a guest book), FAQ database, and an internet search box.
How To Build Your Own : A quick "how to" on how to make your own site. Not quite everything up there, but a few good little "tips" for you new makers.
Dictionary : A dictionary of words that I have made up or changed the meaning to in my own vocabulary.
For the Adults : A page that will have the weather, has a stock ticker, and information for your 'rents to read. Good stuff.
Special Thanks : A few links to where I got some of my stuff, a terrible picture of me (I'll get a better one up shortly) and more.
* * * * * * * * * *
Pages Not Shown in Navagation Bar
Quotes and More : A page that has many jokes, riddles, and hilarious pictures. My favorite page on the site. You can get there by going to the "Links" page and clicking on the link at the top of the page "Quotes and More".
Poetry : I have typed up a bunch of poetry onto a page. Unfortunately, it is protected by a password gate. Why? Because, yes, there are people out there that might actually take my poetry and give themselves the credit. Even though I know you're not like that, I have special reasons for not giving out the password. Some of the poetry is harsh, and some is very powerful. Some are on a specific topic or issue that may make some people angry. So if I don't give you the password please do not bother me about it, I have my own reasons (and don't bug me for the reason either. If you bug me, maybe that's the reason I won't give it to you). If you've stolen from my site before, you will definately not get the password. If you have the password, you can enter by going to the main page and entering in the log in area.

**** Rules ****
Yes, there are rules on this website. More and more will be added if I think of them. They're bascially common sence, but please read through these or I do have the power to get you in a heck load of trouble-court, etc.
1. Feel free to take any of the pictures for your own personal enjoyment. If they are for your website, or someone elses website, please have a link to my site somewhere on the site, or just a little mention.
2. You are not allowed to take something from my site and say that it is your work or done by you. Most of the photos and items on this site (that aren't text) are not made by me, and when you get caught using their stuff you'll get in trouble with me and the person that created the item. You don't want to mess around with copyrights and stuff okay?
3. If you want to take something, it's best to ask-I know about the copyrights and other info you need to use them. On many of the items I got special permission to use them.
4. Please enjoy my site. If you see an error or don't like something on my site, please let me know. I'm trying to make my site as people-friendly as I can and very enjoyable to look at.
5. Lately I haven't gotten too many compliments on my site, mostly complaints. Please email me and tell me what you like about the site so I don't take it down! Thanks.
6. Sign my guest book and guest map! They're both listed on the "how does it work" page. The guest book is listed in another place also.