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This page entirely dedicated to the movie, The Matrix

Warning, I love Trinity and the Twins

A very special thank you (for the pictures) to Matrix Unloaded

The Twins


Trinity and Neo

Trinity and Neo




Neo and Trinity




She totally blew out his brains



Movie 1 vs. Movie 2 - Okay, let's make it short and simple. Movie one rocked, Movie two SUCKED! There was absolutely no point in the second movie. I mean, the whole make-out scene ruined it. TOTALLY RUINED IT! I was like, okay the movie's alright. And then BAM! They make out! Oh my God-I hate the Matrix now. Matrix 3 is gonna suck - but I'm probably gonna see it anyway. lol. Anyway people, don't see Matrix 2. See Matrix and only The Matrix. Or just leave in the middle of the movie. The fighting scenes were pretty interesting in the 2nd movie.

Trinity - Trinity is my absolute role-model. She's so awesome! People said that Neo was the coolest and I totally disagree. Neo's doing SQUAT while Trinity is blowing these dude's brains out! Her fighting style is way better. All he's got is the fact that he totally mooned the public in "The Matrix Reloaded" and he can dodge bullets or whatever. Big whoop. Trinity's way cooler! And as all the guys know, Trinity is the hottest chick out there!

The Twins - Oh my God! The Twin's are the coolest dudes. They're the guys with the white hair and thick dreadlocks. Sure, they're the bad guys-but so what! They're awesome. They can become invisible, they can do all this awesome fight stances, and of course, you can't forget, they flirt with Trinity. lol. It'd be funny if Trinity beat the crap out of one of the Twins when he did that smooch thing at her. Haha. Anyway, if Joe gets dreadlocks, guess what I'm getting? DREADLOCKS - just not as thin---I'll be sure to get them as thick as the Twin's.

Neo - I liked Neo before, but once I saw him and Trinity make out in The Matrix Reloaded I don't like him half as much. Man, and I thought I had an ugly butt? Jesus Christ! When he mooned everyone in the movie theatre I was Jesus! Someone bring out the sun! Ahhh! I'm blind! *shudder* Eh, in the first movie he was cool.