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Pictures of My Pals


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New Photos have been addded!

Due to the fact that I emailed everyone my site url address, embarrassing photos have been moved to another page protected by a password that only I know. If you want the password you need to email me.

I have about one million photos of people because my wonderful mother has a camera. We can now call her mymomandthecamera. They're one. So anyway, I scanned some photos into the computer and loading them onto my site. If you want your photo up here, email me (click here)!
Note - Names are posted under the pictures.
:: You'll come across some stars when looking at the pictures. See below here for what the stars say ::

*Joe said he was gonna give me some good pictures of him a long time ago, and so far - I haven't seen any pictures. So here are some pictures of him until he gives me "better" ones. ^_^

**Is Joe perposing? Did he fall down, and happen to be on his knees when I was there? Is he just randomly posing like that because he knows my mom's taking pictures behind him? LOL Nu uh. Is this an inside joke between Joe and I.

Friends & Family:

Mars - he's my baby

Jupi's my other baby

Michael Jack

Michael Jack

Alex - Lizzy's love ;-)
ps. scott's the blue thing lol


Kewlist girl o' all time - Brittany!

RoseAnne, one of my totally favorite cousins! She's got so many pictures...let's add more!

RoseAnne---sucking it up for the camera. We know you're not all that innocent! :-p

Group Photos:

Erin & Peepz ^_^

Ciara and I at the Cubs Game

I got Joe soaked...victory is mine!


Now for some stupid pictures of...who else, but ME! These pictures aren't in any real specific order, but the older pictures of me (the ones that are the most recent) are at the top, and when I was younger at the bottom.

The most f-ed up peanut ever (me at the cubs game august 30th)

Me at the Botanic Gardens

Me at the Highland Park Highschool Tennis Court

Me in my backyard

Me when I was little with my favorite birdy, Mars!

Me when I was little, who knows where

You're listening to "In the End" by Linkin Park