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Here's some information about me and how to contact me!

Can you hear that?! I KNOW YOU CAN!
That's "Faint" by Linkin Park!
(It means so much to me because I spent fourteen hours trying to find this song for my site...yep, 14 hours....Jesus I drank a lot of coffee...)

It's not co-operating, but I like this picture. So I'm keeping the da**ed thing up. LOL. Oh well, I'll find a way to figure it out sometime...eventually.....oh well. Let's keep it up to stare at!!

Hey! Hope you love the site! If you have a complaint, comment, suggestion, or something way out of this world to say, feel free to contact me at any time. There are plenty of ways to contact me (see blow) along with some fun info about me. Hope you enjoy your stay!
My Name - Sara
My Nick Names - Sawa, Angel Demon, Jinx, Ko-noke-ee, Fred, and Saragorn
Online A/S/L - Fourteen / Female / Illinois (United States of America)
My AIM Screen Name - supershiningsara
My Bravenet Screen Name - supershiningsara
My Screen Name - starfacedflirt
My Neopet Screen Name - supershiningsara
My Runescape Screen Name - demonslay3r
My Yahoo Screen Name - ssammy325

more twords the personal side...

Birthday -
March 25th
Zodiac Sign - Aries
Hobbies - Talking online, hanging out with friends, designing websites, singing, talking, writing (mostly songs and poetry), skateboarding (but I never said I was good at it), running, laughing, dancing (all types), typing, drawing (mostly people), playing piano and trombone, making smiley faces on Fred. Taking pictures, riding horses (prefer fast), and much more.
Favorite Book - Sabriel and that entire series by Garth Nix
Favorite Color - Mint green, sky blue. Light colors on black.
Favorite Sites - They're all on my "fun sites page"
Favorite Quote - "If you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrow, you'll piss all over today!"
Favorite Actor - Whoever plays The Twins in The Matrix
Fravorite Actress - Carrie-Anne Moss (played Trinity in The Matrix) & Catherina Zeta Jones
Favorite Movie Character - ARAGORN!!!
Favorite Movie(s) - The Matrix, Lord of the Rings (series)
Favorite TV Shows - (in no real order) The Simpsons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, That 70's Show, Cops (just because it's SO STUPID!! lol), Saturday Night Live, anything on Comedy Central, etc
Favorite Writers - Garth Nix, JK Rowling, Paulsen, Tolkin, and more
Favorite Animals - Tigers, panthers, cheetahs (any large cat), wolves, malamute dogs, dragons and snakes
Favorite Bands - (sorry my spelling sucks...not in any specific order) Maralyn Manson, Good Charlotte, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Sean Paul
Favorite Kinds of Music - oldies when in the car, rap, R&B, alternative, heavy metal, and pop
Idols - Trinity from the Matrix, Aragorn, Legolas, Catherine Zeta Jones, Joe
What I like in people - the ability to make me laugh, usually in a good mood, avoids hitting my pet-peeve buttons, not too serious, isn't afraid to look too stupid :), laughs with me, not at me, prefers not to lie, good looking (if I like you, you'll always look handsome/beautiful in my eyes-seriously!) fun, party animal is a plus, sings - even if they suck, like to play with spray-paint as much as I do!

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Contact me if you have suggestions, comments, or complaints!